Monday, December 5, 2011

New Xbox layout
Microsoft just released a new layout for their worldwide console, the Xbox 360.  Now, instead of using a controller to navigate through the menu, you can use the wave of your hand and the sound of your voice.  This is very interesting, as X-box is  continuing to move towards completely relying on hand and voice rather than the controller.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Google X

This was a blog that really caught my eye when I saw it.  Google has revealed a top secret lab located in a discrete location in the bay area, known as Google X.  It's been in order since 2005, but Google has kept it a secret.  But it is no longer a secret, as the company itself showed its existence.  In these labs, they are working on "ground-breaking projects" according to one official.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Youtube Worldwide

A spokesperson for Google dropped a very interesting stat yesterday.  Youtube, a  Google product, has an audience of 70% out of the country.  Originally created for our country, it became so popular that it became a national phenomenon.  It has become so popular that more people in other countries watch it more than in ours.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nice one Apple...

We learned recently that Apple was not going to release the i-phone 5, instead opting to go with the 4s.  Well, a very interesting story came out.  A member of the company was sporting a prototype of the i-phone 5, and he got a little careless, leaving it at a bar.  As soon as Apple found out, they put on a full on search for the phone.  The bar was flooded with police officers trying to find it.   Pretty careless for one of the biggest and most important companies in the world, don't you think?  Luckily, nobody got their hands on it, as there was a GPS tracker on the phone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The new G-mail

I read a very pleasing article about how Google is about to update their e-mail service, G-mail.  Now the video was leaked, but it is clear that it was created by Google itself.  Now you might say, what's the big deal? Websites like Facebook and Google get updates all the time, so why is G-mail getting an upgrade so meaningful?  Well the good thing for G-mail users is that there has not been an update of this scale for at least 3 to 4 years.  While most other sites were changing for the better, G-mail stayed the same.  This newer version is supposed to make the G-mail experience more user friendly, and more open and easy to use.  They are trying to make you feel like the conversations are real.  They have also installed new themes that people can choose, making the experience even more personal.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

From the Crib to the Console

Every year, more and more children begin playing video games on consoles.  Since 2009, kids from the age of 2-5 that play video games has rose a whopping 17 percent.  Why is this? Nobody knows for sure, but many experts guess that it is because of the rising amount of young adults playing that introduce it to their children at a young age.  Instead of going outside to go play with other kids, kids are playing call of duty on an Xbox. That is really sad, considering how important those years are for the child's developments.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Robot dogs

In 2007, Boston Dynamics created the most advanced robot dog to date.  Yes, I said robot dog.  They are programmed to do things dogs do everyday, but is also a very useful tool.  It can carry up to 400 pounds of weight, and can go 20 miles without running out of fuel.  This is very interesting, because if these dogs are capable of doing these kinds of things, imaging what else they can do.  Could they possibly used in warfare?  These "dogs" may just be dogs for now, but their future we need to keep track of.  What could come of these inventions?  Something used to aid us in everyday life, or something used in the middle of the battlefield?

Monday, September 26, 2011


There have been plenty of rumors swirling around every day about how Facebook's creator Mark Zuckerburg is going to start charging for their services.  Heck, so many of my own friends are putting the same status about how they are going to(annoyingly in all caps).  Why would they be charging if they are at an all time high? One of the great things about Facebook is that anybody can use it.  But if they start charging, people will definitely think it is not worth it, with Twitter and newly added Google+ being completely free.  Why pay for something you could get for free somewhere else? People will think that that money could be better used somewhere else.  Ultimately, this will only hurt Facebook in my opinion if they do end up charging.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pirated software

Today I read an article about pirated software.  Apparently, 47% of the worlds pc's contain downloaded pirated software.  This is really not surprising at all, because pirated software is a very convenient way to download free programs and software.  Instead of having to pay $20 for something, why not just get a free download?  Almost all have a risk for viruses, and most people are pretty aware of that.  However, people who maybe don't have the money to purchase things have no other choice.  Really, i don't have an opinion on it, because people are taking a risk that will only hurt them.

Peyton is out

Today I read a very interesting article at
Peyton Manning has now been rule OUT for the Colts opener against the Houston Texans this Sunday.  This will end one of the greatest quarterbacks of all times consecutive start streak at 227, second to only the iron man Brett Favre.  Manning is the heart and soul of the Indie team, and many project the Colts as a losing team.  For a team that hasn't missed the playoffs since Manning took the reigns in '99.  He will be sorely missed for as long as he is out, not only by his team, but football fans in general.  He has been a staple of the league since he came out of Tennessee, and his presence will be missed by everybody.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

30 years in the making

It's quite remarkable the change that pc's have made since its creation in 1981.  Computers have gained so much style, ability, and convenience over the years. An old, stocky, and unattractive pc has now become a high-tech, slim, performance monster.  Pc's can basically do anything you want now, there are endless possibilities on the internet.  It's just so astonishing how many changes have occurred since the IBM Model 5150.